
An Open Letter To Myself, In My Service

Don’t be upset that you’re a bad writer, be happy that you have the time to write.

Don’t be upset that you can’t jog as fast as others, be happy that you have two feet that allow you to move.

Don’t be upset that not many people showed up to your workshops that you prepared for weeks, be happy that a few people are interested and you can focus the time on them.

Don’t be upset that sometimes you don’t fit in within this culture, be happy that you have the opportunity to experience one different than your own.

Don’t be upset that sometimes you make bad decisions, be happy that you care enough to reflect upon them.

Don’t be upset that your language abilities aren’t as good as you’d like them to be, be happy that your brain has the power to process more than one language.

Don’t be upset that your family is far away, be happy that you have a loving family and access to technology to contact them.

Don’t be upset that you don’t know how to cook, be happy that you can learn how to.

Don’t be upset that you have bad days, be happy that you have good ones too.

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